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18th May 2024

Changes to Track (Item Details) page

Improved functionality by returning cached results first, and then subsequently retrieving live results from Amiami.

Added 18+ items

Previously 18+ items were not scanned as it required an additional new API parameter which was missed.

28th April 2024 is undergoing a revamp

After 5 years of operation, will close its doors... JUST KIDDING.

Thanks to the support of subscribers, will continue running for the foreseeable future.

In fact, is undergoing a complete revamp of the codebase. Throughout the past few years, there have been many changes to the way Amiami manages their website. was patched up here and there to keep on running, but there were a couple of major changes of Amiami that chipped away at functionality, and fixes to were long overdue.

I am happy to say that as of recently, I finally have the time and headspace to work on In the first round of changes to the core codebase, I am excited to bring you new features:
- More timely and accurate (less false positives) Amiami notifications
- Ability to browse Amiami with greater flexibility, such as sorting by discount, date added to store
Nerd news:
- Updated Bootstrap library from version 3 (2016) to version 5 (2024) should be back up and running by the end of today. More revamping and features to come in the following weeks (refining Amiami browse, price history, etc), I would love to hear your thoughts, feedback and suggestions, email me at

Finally, I would like to once again thank all subscribers past and present for the support, without which would not continue to exist.